Filed under: activists are regular people.


Anyone of the following may be considered cause for adjournment:

1. Close Sirens
2. Recognizable honking horns
3. Husbands appearing at door with mouth protruding
4. Silence
5. 11:00 p.m.

Originated by Jean Kresy
(Copyright  © 1973,
Black Women Organized for Action)"

Excerpt from "Ground Rules for Sapphire's System for Sisters" via Black Feminism Archives

Hey, Lena.

Remember this when you feel shallow for scrolling through the Cut Life IG page for new hair ideas, or feel shame over working in a field unrelated to ending 'isms.

Yes, find the work that you can do best, to add your contribution to shifting this world system, but also remember: your faves were finite, fallible people too, with interfering lives. Adjourning meetings for "recognizable honking horns" and late hours.

Rest and fun have to be part of this, too.


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