Dress for the body you have.

Black and white image of stairway at a shopping mall

I have a lot of reservations about buying clothes for someone who is constantly window-shopping.

My mid-30s body is changing so much, I feel like I might as well buy everything in multiple sizes. I tried on and bought multiple dresses at the top of the summer, only to find out they didn't fit a month or two later, when I got around to actually wearing them.

The worst time was being out of town in Portland and realizing most of what I'd packed didn't zip. I was trying to make a good impression at NCORE, the conference on diversity and inclusion in higher ed and had been told to dress business casual. I was told it would be a good networking opportunity and I had literally just graduated and didn't have a job offer yet so I was thirsty to make the best of it.

Imagine thinking you had all your outfits set, getting up to get dressed for the day and, issa NO sis.

Black and white image with words "riots not diets"

I am still on my body acceptance "journey" so I try my best not to blame my body for growing, or shrinking, or changing shape in whatever way. That's what bodies do, constantly. And the desire to freeze our bodies in time (in the smallest possible size) is driven by fatphobia, which actively harms people in larger bodies. I don't want to participate in that.

I just don't know how to get comfortable with dressing my body through all its changes.

Can you relate?


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