I don't have a broadcast for you.

That's it.

I was listening to Food Psych and Christy Harrison got into this discussion about the compulsive sharing that is part of doing "wellness" work-how "sharing" is a misnomer because it isn't about reciprocity and community but something else. Showing our productivity in pursuing mental health. Craving likes and engagement. You know, the typical capitalist churning of human things into commodities. What I was hearing was a difference  between sharing and broadcasting.

When I think of broadcasts, I think of news media. You know, researched and prepared dispatches on the community, the country, the world. I am not against preparation and research as part of a journey to self-acceptance and reclamation. I have needed both, in order to quiet the part of me trained to think racist, classist, fatphobic, homophobic, imperialist ways of knowing and being are all that is "legitimate"-meaning measurable and documented, repeatable, etc. Decolonizing is part of reclamation, which has meant questioning my assumptions about those ways of knowing, and connecting with what came before the so-called "Enlightenment" and European domination. Those modes of knowledge are no less "rigorous", and rigor is not the end-all be-all of truth.

Yet I want to apply rigor to what I'm learning and relearning on the path of reclamation, which really just means, I want to take it seriously and be thorough, get to the root. Part of that has meant reading theory, listening to people who have studied and thought about diet culture, capitalism, homophobia etc. enough to thoroughly unpack it. And part of it has meant wanting to share what I'm learning, not hoard it.

My "sharing" has a certain amount of polish because, people are attracted to polished things and trust them more. It also has polish because I want to feel good enough, and sharing is hard enough without feeling like my stuff looks bootleg. And I like pretty photography. Picking photos to pair with my words is a pleasant, creative thing.

But I don't have a broadcast for you, or myself, or anyone. I don't want to take part in that. I want to embody the margins and these rival ways of knowing and being. That is my shit. It excites me, helps me feel at home in myself. It doesn't feel like something I'm running to keep up with (most of the time).

So this here is meant to be something else. I am practicing what that looks like.

Confident black darkskinned black girl with headwrap, smirking at camera
Via Prince Akachi at Unsplash


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