
A moment of awakening from ennui is like daylight felt inside the ribcage.

Sometimes the catalyst is a song, or a much needed conversation with someone I love, or a line in a book and suddenly there’s an expansiveness and warmth that I can only stretch and enjoy. It is too sweet to talk about. The dreariness feels far away and all I can think of is how grateful I am to have this capacity to be free in an instant. What kind of magic is that??  Why don’t I always have a sense of this infinite, spacious piece of me?

It is the dust of day to day living that accumulates and obscures the light, aided by inattention and entertaining the many distractions and problems of the day too seriously. I don’t have to be weighed down by the things that go wrong; I can make more of an effort to connect to those things that make me feel free and give myself some much needed levity to balance out the inevitable weariness that comes along.


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